Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cross Your Fingers!

Hello again, ladies!

I apologize for the difficulties last week. As promised, I am posting the links to some of the kid-appropriate search engines that we used.

If you get a chance, check out these sites. Like we talked about before these are made especially for you! You don't have to worry about getting any websites that may be too adult, and most of the results are also understandable.

Tips for Searching:
~Zero in on key words, and forget any small words that might bring up extra hits
~Use words that are specific or special to your search
~Don't worry about asking full questions or using full sentences
~Be critical of your results!
~Never give out personal information

Happy searching, and we'll see you soon!


Monday, March 17, 2008

Hi Ladies!

Are you enjoying Spring Break!? Sadly, we still have to work. If any of you are checking your email this week, you might have gotten one from me with a link to this page. If you can, keep practicing on Microsoft Word. Next week we'll be doing a project using all the skills we've learned so far.

In honor of March, which is Women's History Month, we will be searching for famous women in non-traditional jobs. What is a non-traditional job you ask? Well, a traditional job for a woman might be a secretary or a teacher. Non-traditional would be a job that is usually done by a man like a fire fighter, mathematician, or engineer. Maybe you can think of a woman that fits this description that you would like to look for!

If you want to check out cool women scientists, try clicking on the link over to the right that says Invention Dimension.

Until next time,


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Week 2!!

Hi Girls!!

It was so great getting to meet you, and I look forward to next week. I hope all of you got a chance to check your email over this past week. If not, that is okay. Everytime we meet we'll give you a chance to check your mail, and e-mail your mentors. Don't forget, you can check your email at and click "hotmail". Then just put in your username and password. If you are having trouble logging in, just leave me a comment on this site, and I'll do my best to get back to you.

Also, like I mentioned last time, the library is a great place to visit to use the internet for free. Talk to your mom, dad, guardian or older siblings about taking you by and letting you play! If you come across any cool websites that you want me to list along with these links, you can post about those in these comments as well.

I wanted to let you know, also, that if you wanted to e-mail me for fun you can send it to I'll be sure to check that regularly, and get back to you as soon as I can.



Monday, February 25, 2008


Welcome to techGYRLS!

I will be your online guide. On the web, my moniker is LovelyAbigail. If you see a bright word underlined like that, it means that I have "hyperlinked" it to another page. In this case, I linked it to so that you would know what "moniker" meant. In the future, I'll be posting links to cool sites and helpful pages so that you can learn to surf the web easier.

If we ever have something we want you to do during the week when we don't see you, it will be posted on this blog. We will also post any information that parents may need about upcoming events! We look forward to getting to know you, and learning new things together.

Have fun, be safe, and I'll see you soon.

techGYRL (lovelyabigail)